It rained today! I felt like a little kid who is not aware of the worldly matters, a carefree human being. I wanted to put my feet in the moist mud. I wanted to feel the showers. Several thoughts were playing Hide n Seek in my mind. Winds were rubbing against my face. I could feel the breeze.
Everything was green. Birds were hiding in the mid clusters of branches. The leaves were on a high. Surely because they were experiencing the nature's bliss. The drops on them looked like jewels. The stones showed their success.
But I was standing at my door. Something was going in my mind. "Shall I go for it? Shall I enjoy this rain ?" The hesitation was because I realized that I am a girl now, not a kid. I am not free from the chaos of the world. Suddenly a sound hit my ears and a heart beat pushed me! That was a motivator. My mind said,"Go enjoy!"
I went for that. I moved forward in a pink salwaar-kamez bare foot. I looked like a school going girl. I danced, but I was missing one more hand who could give me support. That would have been a delight. I wanted to have a ball dance. But I did it alone. I could imagine somebody's hands. That was fascinating. I jumped. I played.
Thunder lights fell on my face. It was a magical scenario.
After some minutes passed away, I went into my room. I was completely wet. My Net Dupatta just had a big fight with the rain drops. I looked in the mirror. I saw an image of a grown up girl, rather a woman. It was Me! Suddenly I realized, I have changed. But rain will never change for anybody. It is for everyone to enjoy. I can still have the same pleasure in the rain. One fascinating feature I found in the mirror image. I could see a beautiful human being in that. The beauty was not of a small girl , but of a young woman. The beauty got matured. And I loved myself in that look. I felt like an angel.
Nothing was changed. Only I had a difference in my appearance and thinking. The description of my beauty got altered . But I loved it.